Bruce Jacob, General Chair
Welcome to the Sixth International Symposium on Memory Systems, held virtually due to travel restrictions being in place [2020 has been a crazy year!]. Thank you so much for submitting your work; we think we have a very interesting program planned for you, one which could not have happened without your research, your insights, and your hard work.
As we mentioned in the original Call for Papers, in the last few decades the memory system has become extremely important. Memory is slow, and this is the primary reason that computers don’t run significantly faster than they do. In large-scale computer installations such as the building-sized systems powering Google.com, Amazon.com, and the financial sector, memory is often the largest dollar cost as well as the largest dissipator of power and consumer of energy. Consequently, improvements in the memory system can have significant impact on the real world, improving power and energy, performance, and/or dollar cost. Several emerging technologies promise to make improvements in all of these dimensions, but they are still not widely understood and not well characterized. Lastly, many of the problems we see in the memory system are cross-disciplinary in nature — their solution would likely require work at all levels, from applications to circuits.
Thus, our primary goal with this conference is to showcase interesting ideas that would spark conversation between disparate groups — to get applications people and operating systems people and compiler people and system architecture people and interconnect people and circuits people to talk to each other about the larger problem. We believe that the first step has been taken successfully: the technical program contains plenty of material for you to discuss. The rest is completely in your hands: you, the participants, represent a wide diversity of disciplines within the field of computer design, and the true success of this conference will be measured by the degree to which you interact with each other and discuss the field’s many problems and potential solutions. Please help make this conference a fruitful experience for all, by participating in discussions and providing your insights.
Thank you again for participating. I look forward to seeing your presentations!
Bruce Jacob, University of Maryland
Bruce Jacob, University of Maryland
Kathy Smiley, Memory Systems
Yitzhak Birk, Technion
Chen Ding, University of Rochester
Dave Dunning, Qualcomm
Matthias Jung, Fraunhofer IESE
John Leidel, Tactical Computing Labs
Petar Radojkovic, BSC
Arun Rodrigues, Sandia National Labs
Kevin Rudd, DoD
Robert Trout, Micron
Ameen Akel, Micron
James Ang, PNNL
Abdel-Hameed Badawy, NMSU
Jonathan Beard, Arm
Bruce Childers, University of Pittsburgh
Zeshan Chishti, Intel
Bruce Christenson, Intel
David Donofrio, Tactical Computing Labs
Wendy Elsasser, Arm
Dietmar Fey, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
Maya Gokhale, LLNL
Michael Healy, IBM
Thuc Hoang, NNSA
Mike Ignatowski, AMD
Michael Jantz, University of Tennessee
Hyesoon Kim, Georgia Tech
Edgar Leon, LLNL
Scott Lloyd, LLNL
Trevor Mudge, University of Michigan
J. Thomas Pawlowski, Pawlowski Cons.
Hemant Rotithor, Arm
Robert Voigt, Northrop Grumman
Gwendolyn Voskuilen, Sandia National Labs
Owens Walker, US Naval Academy
David Wang, Samsung
Norbert Wehn, U. Kaiserslautern
Noel Wheeler, DoD
Conference Programme:
Runtime Estimation of Application Memory Latency for Performance Analysis and Optimization Huanxing Shen, Cong Li | Paper, Video |
SAME-Infer: Software Assisted Memory Resilience for Efficient Inference at the Edge Irina Alam, Puneet Gupta | Paper, Video |
Near-memory & In-Memory Detection of Fileless Malware Marcus Botacin, Andre Gregio, Marco A. Z. Alves | Paper, Video |
Parallel HashTable Design for NDP Systems Pranith Kumar, Hyesoon Kim | Paper, Video |
ExPress: Simultaneously Achieving Storage, Performance and Energy Efficiencies in Sparse Matrix Computations Shashank Adavally, Nagendra Gulur, Krishna Kavi, Alex Weaver, Pranoy Dutta, Benjamin Wang | Paper, Video |
Decentralized Offload-based Execution on Memory-centric Compute Cores Saambhavi Baskaran, Jack Sampson | Paper, Video |
Architectural Design of 3D NAND Flash based Compute-in-Memory for Inference Engine Wonbo Shim, Hongwu Jiang, Xiaochen Peng, Shimeng Yu | Paper, Video |
Analysis of the Usage Models of System Memory Management Unit in Accelerator-attached Translation Units Kyriakos Paraskevas, Konstantinos Iordanou, Mikel Luján, John Goodacre | Paper, Video |
DELTA: Validate GPU Memory Profiling with Microbenchmarks Xianwei Zhang, Evgeny Shcherbakov | Paper, Video |
Towards Automating Application-Specific Address Mapping for Emerging Memory Devices Shashank Adavally, Vignesh Adhinarayanan, Krishna Kavi | Paper, Video |
An Energy Efficient 3D-Heterogeneous Main Memory Architecture for Mobile Devices Deepak M. Mathew, Felipe S. Prado, Éder F. Zulian, Christian Weis, Muhammad Mohsin Ghaffar, Matthias Jung, Norbert Wehn | Paper, Video |
Multi-Valued Physical Unclonable Functions based on Dynamic Random Access Memory Sven Müelich, Chirag Sudarshan, Christian Weis, Martin Bossert, Robert F.H. Fischer, Norbert Wehn | Paper, Video |
The case for optimizing the frequency of periodic data movements over hybrid memory systems Thaleia Dimitra Doudali, Daniel Zahka, Ada Gavrilovska | Paper, Video |
CircusTent: A Benchmark Suite for Atomic Memory Operations Brody Williams, John Leidel, Xi Wang, David Donofrio, Yong Chen | Paper, Video |
An In-DRAM Architecture for Quantized CNNs using Fast Winograd Convolutions Muhammad Mohsin Ghaffar, Chirag Sudarshan, Christian Weis, Matthias Jung, Norbert Wehn | Paper, Video |
The Need for Precise and Efficient Memory Capacity Budgeting Shaleen Garg, Sudarsun Kannan, Manish Parashar | Paper, Video |
X-Centric: A Survey on Compute-, Memory- and Application-Centric Computer Architectures Sven Rheindt, Temur Sabirov, Oliver Lenke, Thomas Wild, Andreas Herkersdorf | Paper, Video |
Efficient Orchestration of Host and Remote Shared Memory for Memory Intensive Workloads. Juhyun Bae, Ling Liu, Gong Su, Arun Iyengar, Yanzhao Wu | Paper, Video |
Evaluating Gather Scatter Performance on CPUs and GPUs Patrick Lavin, Jason Riedy, Jeffrey Young, Richard Vuduc, Aaron Vose, Daniel Ernst | Paper, Video |
Performance Modeling and Evaluation of a Production Disaggregated Memory System Xian-He Sun, Ning Zhang, Brian Toonen, Bill Allcock | Paper, Video |
Efficient Generation of Application Specific Memory Controllers Marco V. Natale, Matthias Jung, Kira Kraft, Frederik Lauer, Johannes Feldmann, Chirag Sudarshan, Christian Weis, Sven Krumke, Norbert Wehn | Paper, Video |
Bucket-Based Expiration Algorithm: Improving Eviction Efficiency for In-Memory Key-Value Database Guochao Xie, Yeh-Ching Chung | Paper, Video |
ObfusGEM: Enhancing Processor Design Obfuscation Through Security-Aware On-Chip Memory and Data Path Design Michael Zuzak, Ankur Srivastava | Paper, Video |
Dynamically Configuring LRU Replacement Policy in Redis Yuchen Wang, Junyao Yang, Zhenlin Wang | Paper, Video |
CLAM: Compiler Lease of Cache Memory Ian Prechtl, Ben Reber, Chen Ding, Dorin Patru, Dong Chen | Paper, Video |
Things to Consider to Enable Dynamic Graphs in Processing-in-Memory Euna Kim, Hyesoon Kim | Paper, Video |
WAL-assisted Tiering: Painlessly Improving Your Favorite Log-Structured KV Store Instead of Building a New One Xubin Chen, Jingpeng Hao, Yifan Qiao, Tong Zhang | Paper, Video |
Improving Memory Reliability by Bounding DRAM Faults: DDR5 improved reliability features Kjersten Criss, Kuljit Bains, Rajat Agarwal | Paper, Video |
PreFAM: Understanding the Impact of Prefetching inFabric-Attached Memory Architectures Vamsee Reddy Kommareddy, Jagadish Kotra, Clayton Hughes, Simon David Hammond, Amro Awad | Paper, Video |
Neural Network Weight Compression with NNW-BDI Andrei Bersatti, Nima Shoghi Ghalehshahi, Hyesoon Kim | Paper, Video |
PPT-SASMM: Scalable Analytical Shared Memory Model Atanu Barai, Gopinath Chennupati, Nandakishore Santhi, Abdel-Hameed Badawy, Yehia Arafa, Stephan Eidenbenz | Paper, Video |
RAOP: Recurrent Neural Network Augmented Offset Prefetcher Pengmiao Zhang, Ajitesh Srivastava, Benjamin Brooks, Rajgopal Kannan, Viktor K. Prasanna | Paper, Video |